What You Need to Know About Online Gambling
Online Gambling can be fun and exciting, but it is important to understand the risks and how to protect yourself. Whether you are new to gambling or an experienced player, learning more about online gambling is always beneficial.
Many people find that a problem with gambling can be difficult to overcome on their own. Professional help can provide guidance and coping strategies to help you control your urges. It is also important to recognize that gambling is often used as a way to cope with underlying issues such as anxiety or depression. Treating these underlying issues can reduce the urge to gamble.
Most people who gamble online do so from the comfort of their own homes, and this figure hasn’t changed much since the survey was last conducted. However, one in five online gamblers have also gambled while out and about. Perhaps unsurprisingly given that most of the survey was conducted during a period of heavy lockdowns, very few people have reported gambling while at work (although this has gone up slightly since 2020) or while commuting (but this has actually decreased). However, there were still plenty of reports of people gambling while on holiday or visiting friends and family. Those aged 18-24 are particularly likely to be doing this, with 44% having gambled while out and about in the past 12 months. This could be a reflection of the increased accessibility of mobile devices in this age group.